Sep 27, 2014


1 kg butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cut into cubes
2 carrots, peeled and diced
2 medium diced onions
1/2 l of chicken broth
1/2 tsp salt
Pinch of black pepper
2 tbsp of butter
200 ml of heavy cream
Sour cream, for garnish

Put the squash, onion, carrots, chicken broth and salt in a saucepan. Simmer, uncovered for about 30 minutes or until the butternut squash is tender. Puree the soup in a blender with the addition of butter. Whisk heavy cream into soup. Serve with croutons and/or sour cream.



1kg oljuštene i na kockice naseckane bundeve iz koje su izvađene semenke
2  oljuštene i iseckane šargarepe
2 naseckana crna luka, srednje veličine
1/2 l bistre pileće supe
1/2 kašičice soli
Prstohvat crnog bibera
2 kašike maslaca
200 ml pavlake za kuvanje
Kisela pavlaka, za serviranje, po želji

Naseckanu bundevu, luk, šargarepu, pileću supu i so staviti u šerpu i kuvati na blagoj vatri oko 30 minuta, ili dok bundeva u potpunosti ne omekša. Supu sipati u blender sa dodatkom maslaca, pa ponovo usuti u šerpu i dodati pavlaku za kuvanje. Služiti sa kiselom pavlakom i/ili krutonima, po želji.

Jul 5, 2014


½ cup of rye flour

4 to 6 tbsp lukewarm water

3 cups of white flour
4 cups of rye flour
1 ½ tsp of salt
1 ½ cups of lukewarm water
1 tbsp of honey or molasses
1 tbsp of caraway seeds

10g of active dry yeast
2 tbsp of malt extract or sugar
1 ½ cup of water
½ cup of rye flour

1 eggwhite

Two or three days before baking, make a sourdough starter by mixing ¼ cup of rye flour with 2-3 tbsps of lukewarm water. Cover with a lid or a plastic wrap and store at room temperature out of direct sunlight for 24 hours. The next day add another ¼ cup of rye flour and 2-3 tbsps of lukewarm water to the mixture and leave for another 24h. There is no rush, for a traditional sourdough starter, you need to wait up to a week. 

On the day of the baking, make a mixture of dry active yeast, 1 ½ cup of water and ½ cup of rye flour and let it rise until it doubles in size. 

In a big bowl, mix 4 cups of rye flour, 3 cups of white flour, salt, add the starter, the yeast mixture and caraway seeds (which is optional, but it gives the bread a unique, lovely taste) and knead the dough. It should not be sticky, so feel free to add more rye flour, but be careful not to overdo it, because the bread will be hard.  Cover the dough and let it rise for half an hour or so, in a warm place. 

When it's risen enough, knead it again, shape 2 loaves on a cookie sheet and let it rise again. Brush on beaten egg white for a shiny crust just before you bake it in a preheated oven to a 180° C, for 45-60 minutes or until done.  



½ šolje ražanog brašna
4 do 6 kašika mlake vode

3 šolje mekog belog brašna
4  šolje ražanog brašna
 1 i ½ kašičica soli 
1 ½ šolja mlake vode 
1 kašika meda ili melase
1 kašika kima

 10 g suvog kvasca 
2 kašike ječmenog slada ili šećera
 1½ šolje vode  
 ½ šolje ražanog brašna

1 belance za premazivanje

Dva-tri dana pre nego što želite da ispečete hleb, napravite starter za testo tako što ćete u manjoj posudi pomešati ¼ šolje ražanog brašna sa 2-3 kašike vode. Pokrijte smešu plastičnom folijom i ostavite da fermentiše 24h, van direktne sunčeve svetlosti.
Nakon isteka tog vremena, dodajte joj istu količinu ražanog brašna i vode kao i prethodnog dana i sve zajedno izmešajte, te ostavite da odmara još oko 24h. Nema žurbe, ja sam potpuno zaboravila na mešavinu skoro jedan ceo dan, nije nikakav problem, tradicionalni starteri se čekaju i po nedelju dana.

Na dan pečenja hleba, pomešajte kvasac sa vodom, sladom/šećerom, 
1½ šoljom vode i  ½ šolje ražanog brašna u glatku masu, te ostavite da odstoji dok se ne udupli.

U većoj posudi pomešajte 4 šolje ražanog brašna, 3 šolje belog brašna, so, dodajte starter, mešavinu kvasca i kim (hleb se, naravno, može napraviti i bez kima, ali mu on daje jedinstven, predivan ukus), te umesite testo. Ono ne treba da se lepi, pa dodajte ražanog brašna po potrebi, ali pazite da ne preterate, jer će u tom slučaju hleb biti tvrd. Pokrijte i ostavite da narasta oko pola sata do sat vremena na toplom mestu. Kada naraste, premesite testo, oblikujte 2 vekne hleba i ostavite ih na prethodno podmazanom plehu, da testo još jednom naraste. Premažite hleb razmućenim belancetom i pecite u prethodno zagrejanoj pećnici na 180° C, oko 45-60 minuta. 

May 31, 2014


175 g butter
200 g sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
150 ml sour cream
200 g all purpose flour
50 g cocoa powder
10 g  baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
(or more if you feel adventurous)

Chocolate glaze:

100 g chocolate
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon milk

Preheat the oven to 190˚C (375˚F). Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then add eggs, one by one, vanilla and sour cream.
In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cayene pepper and cocoa. Combine everything by adding the flour mix slowly, one tablespoon or so at the time. Give everything a final stir and pour into the bundt pan, which should be coated with a little butter and lightly dusted with flour. 
Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until cooked (check with a fork, toothpick or a wooden skewer). When done, remove from the oven and let it sit for 10 minutes, then flip the pan over a plate or a cooling rack and the bundt cake should just fall out if the tin is prepared correctly.
While the cake is cooling, prepare the chocolate glaze. Heat glaze ingredients over low heat, stirring frequently, until chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth. Drizzle over cake, let it cool and serve. 


175 g maslaca
200 g šećera
2 velika jaja
1 kašičica ekstrakta vanile
150 ml kisele pavlake
200 g brašna
50 g kakaoa
10 g  praška za pecivo
1/2 kašičice sode bikarbone
3/4 kašičice čilija
(ili više, ako imate avanturističku crtu)

Čokoladna glazura:

100 g čokolade
1 kašika maslaca
1 kašika mleka

Zagrejati rernu na 190˚C. Penasto umutiti maslac i šećer, dodati jaja, jedno po jedno, vanilu i kiselu pavlaku.
U posebnoj posudi pomešati brašno, prašak za pecivo, sodu bikarbonu, čili prah i kakao i zatim sve zajedno tako što se malo po malo dodaju praškasti sastojci u smesu sa maslacem. Sipati u prethodno maslacem namašćen i lagano brašnom posut pleh za kuglof i peći oko 30 minuta (ili dok kolač ne bude pečen, proveriti viljuškom ili čačkalicom). Kada bude gotov, izvaditi kuglof iz rerne i ostaviti ga u posudi za pečenje, da se prohladi 10 minuta, pa tek onda izvrniti na tanjir ili rešetku. Ukoliko je modla prethodno dobro premazana, kuglof bi trebalo da ispadne bez teškoća.
Dok se hladi, pripremiti glazuru tako što se sastojci na tihoj vatri ili pari istope u glatku smešu. Preliti preko kuglofa, ostaviti da se ohladi i služiti.